Finding a good and reputable accountant, lawyer, interior designer, contractor, plumber…

From time to time, my wife and I need to get help from local service providers to take care of things that we either don’t know how to do or don’t have time for. As young adults(we’d like to think we’re still young 🙂 ), we haven’t had a lot of experience working with accountants, lawyers, contractors, etc. How do we find a good accountant, lawyer, plumber, contractor?

In most cases, we really don’t know where to start, let alone finding the right person for the job. Friends’ recommendations help sometimes but in cases that they can’t, finding the right service provider become a time-consuming and sometimes expensive quest. Yellow pages? We’re frozen by just looking at the yellow book. Shouldn’t it be easier in this internet age?

UberSquareSo in the summer of 2006, I started working on a website to solve just this problem. We should have a convenient place for consumers and service providers to meet effectively. Service providers should have an abundance of jobs to select from. Consumers should be able to provide feedbacks on the work. Such feedbacks are invaluable to consumers who may be looking to get similar types of work done. Everyone should also be able to share their list of service providers with friends and family easily. All of the aforementioned considerations went to the design of the website and as a result, we now have UberSquare!

In the near future, I’ll be writing about how UberSquare can help you. Meanwhile, check it out and let me know what you think!

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